

Note:  The minimum age is 6 years old.

Enrolments are welcome during school hours on Sundays 9am to 12pm.

Parents are able to enrol their children and pay their registration fees as well as purchase the appropriate text books at the school on any Sunday school day.  If you wush to add your child to the waitlist, please fill in the enrolment form.

Fee Structure per Term per Year
1 Child 130 520
2 Children 190 760
3 Children 250 1000
Additional Child 60 240
Title Price
Iqra Set 16
Juz Amma 22
Weekend Learning 25

Preliminary Enrolment Form

Note:  The minimum age is 6 years old.

Registration is finalised by attending the class at the City Mosque.

Classes are:
Sundays in the City Mosque from 9:00am to 12:00pm
Wednesdays/Fridays online via Zoom from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Login details for online class will be provided after the first Sunday class in the mosque

  • Parent Details

  • Child/ren First and Last Name

  • NameBirthdateAllergies/Medical 
    Add a row
  • Emergency Contact


In consideration of my child/children’s participation in Islamic Weekend School, I as Parents or Legal Guardian of children listed above, hereby agree to release, discharge, waive and hold harmless Islamic and their respective employees, agents, instructors, board members, volunteers, staff, leadership, owners or advisors of any incidents, actions or conducts resulting in personal injury, accidents or illness to my child/children not limited to negligence, gross negligence and recklessness.
I expressly agree that the foregoing waiver of liability is intended to be as good as broad as is permitted by the laws of Victoria and if any portion therefore is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, not withstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
I have carefully read and voluntarily sign this waiver of liability and fully understand its contents and meaning as a full waiver claims, liability and indemnity against Islamic Weekend School or any of its employees, agents, instructors, board members, volunteers, staff, leadership, owners or advisors.

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